Tag Archives: Regina

OUAT – Mama Cora’s Magic compared to Regina’s

In “Stable Boy,” we see Cora wielding magic that is very reminiscent of what we’ve seen Regina exhibit before. Cora can use magic to push, restrain and lift objects (including people);

As we mentioned in our First Thoughts podcast episode on “Stable Boy,” Regina used the same type of magic when she battled Maleficent in episode 2 “The Thing You Lost Most”;

However, the blue aura that was around Cora’s magic looked more like the magic used by the Dark One in “Desperate Souls”;

but when the Dark One’s magic restrained people, is wasn’t blue;

So, perhaps this shows the skill or learning by Regina, or a different type of magic. For instance, so Regina lifting spears in episode 2;

also, see the forcefield that Maleficent creates to protect her Dark Unicorn;

For you Star Wars fans, Cora’s magic restraining blue aura reminded me of this scene in Attack of the Clones (Just sayin’);

There is more, but we will stop here for now:

For More Once Upon a Time Fun and theories, check out the Once Upon a Time Fan Podcast at http://onceuponatimepodcast.com

OUAT – The Root of all Evil

Recently it was announced that Barbara Hershey was set to have a guest role in an upcoming episode of Once Upon A Time.

Scroll down to see a sneak peek at her role (spoilers below)

(just between us, she does look a lot like someone we know on Once Upon A Time)

First Look at Barbara Hershey on “Once Upon A Time”, producers comment on her role

Showrunners Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis comments onBlack Swan actress Barbara Hershey’s upcoming appearance on Once Upon a Time, and we get our first look at her in the role!

Read more here – http://www.hypable.com/2012/02/27/first-look-at-barbara-hershey-on-once-upon-a-time-creators-comment-on-her-role/


OUAT – Where is Mary Margaret’s Letter?

In “What Happened to Frederick”, we find out that Kathryn left a letter for both Mary Margaret and David. She said that the subject of the letter(s) was for them to pursue and continue their love for each other. When Regina hears about this, she decides to find a way to destroy the letter so David will never get Kathryn’s message.

In both pictures, we only see David’s letter. Where is Mary Margaret’s letter? Was it inside the envelope together with David’s? Is it on the way to or already with Mary Margaret? If it is indeed with her, Mary Margaret’s letter was never burned. Will that play out in the story at some point?

Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

Want more Once Upon a Time? Check out the Once Upon a Time Fan Podcast at http://onceuponatimepodcast.com





OUAT – Song that was playing when Emma was breaking the toaster

In the episode, “Desperate Souls,” after Emma was fired by Regina, she was “fixing” the toaster with the butter knife and Mary Margaret Blanchard walked in:

The song that was playing was “Kool Thing” by Sonic Youth:

Kool Thing by Sonic Youth on Grooveshark

Here are the lyrics (Thanks to David B. for sending them):

Kool Thing by Sonic Youth

Kool Thing sittin’ with a kiddie
Now you know you’re sure lookin’ pretty
Like a lover not a dancer
Superboy take a little chance here
I don’t wanna, I don’t think so
I don’t wanna, I don’t think so

Kool Thing let me play it with your radio
Move me, turn me on, baby-o
I’ll be your slave
Give you a shave
I don’t wanna, I don’t think so
I don’t wanna, I don’t think so
[Chuck D] Yeah, tell’em about it,
Hit’em where it hurts
Hey, Kool Thing, come here, sit down beside me.
There’s something I go to ask you.
I just wanna know, what are you gonna do for me?
I mean, are you gonna liberate us girls
From male white corporate oppression?
Tell it like it is!
Don’t be shy
Word up!
Fear of a female planet?
Fear of a female planet?
Fear, baby!
I just want to know that we can still be friends
Come on, come on, come on, come on let everybody know
Kool thing, kool thing

When you’re a star, I know you’ll fix everything
Now you know you’re sure lookin’ pretty
Rock the beat just a little faster
Now I know you are the master
I don’t wanna, I don’t think so
I don’t wanna, I don’t think so

Kool thing walkin’ like a panther
Come on and give me an answer
Kool thing walkin’ like a panther
What’d he say?
I don’t wanna, I don’t think so
I don’t wanna, I don’t think so

Join the fun with the Once Upon a Time Fan Podcast at http://onceuponatimepodcast.com

OUAT – So, about that Library and the Sweeper Woman…

Ok, so there’s this boarded up “Storybrooke Free Public Library,” (That I called a “bookstore”. Sorry gang.) http://www.flickr.com/photos/insteveston/5975941871/in/set-72157627157567647.

Well, it’s been bugging me. Not just that it has newspapers on the windows.

…or boards nailed to the windows. I mean was there a storm around just the Library (or maybe in the Library? Hmmm?).

What bugs me is the Mysterious Sweeper Woman.

Do you see her there? Behind and a bit to the right of Emma. First off, she was rude. She didn’t even say “Hi” to Emma or Henry. I mean, Henry is Regina’s adopted son and all. I mean, just for two seconds, stop your sweeping and say, “Good Morning,” “Operation Cobra Rocks,” or “Nice Jacket, Emma. That’s a good color on you,” I mean, something.

Some may say, “Jeff, let it go. Leave the poor woman that’s sweeping the sidewalk alone. It probably makes Regina happy that there are clean sidewalks in front of a closed down Library… Wait Jeff, I think I see what you’re saying…”. See, I think it bears a closer look. I mean, is this just a concerned citizen, or someone connected to the Library itself? Maybe the mysterious writer of Henry’s (and maybe other) book?

Okay, I may be giving this sweeper person too hard of a time. Maybe she is somehow related to Cinderella (the only other sweeper we’ve seen)? Maybe she is Belle? Belle’s accountant? Maybe she came of the door there (See on the left)? Bottom line, I’m not a sweeper hater. Sweeping rocks! Maybe I have forgotten the thousands of people that carried sticks or walked around in the background of Lost, and want everyone to be important to the story.

I raise a glass to the mysterious Sweeper Woman. Even though you are a bit rude to our friends, we still got love for you! Sweep on, baby! Sweep on!