Tag Archives: Regina

OUAT – Did we see Regina’s Skeleton Keys in the Finale?

Where have we seen Regina’s skeleton keys before?

We saw it when Emma was snooping around her office.

We (maybe) saw it in Fairytale land, when it was used to open the Snake of Agrabah box.

We saw Regina using it to break into David and Kathryn’s house.

We saw a single key in Mary Margaret’s jail cell.

And in the Once Upon A Time finale, did we see these keys again with the huntsman as he was helping Prince Charming escape to find Snow White?

Are these all the same set of keys? Is there maybe a duplicate set? Why does the huntsman have the keys? Did Regina give it to him or does he have his own set? Did the huntsman steal the keys to help Prince Charming and Snow White?

Share your thoughts with us on the comments below.

Want more Once Upon A Time? Check out the Once Upon A Time Fan Podcast at http://www.onceuponatimepodcast.com/




OUAT – Lana Parilla talks to the Canadian media at the Bell Media Upfront

Lana Parilla was present at the Bell Media Upfronts in Toronto last week to talk about Once Upon A Time and to thank the fans for their outpouring support for the show.

Lana talked about Season 2, her favorite scenes, her amazing co-stars, Sheriff Graham and some personal details about herself.

To read the article, click here http://www.thetvaddict.com/2012/06/08/lana-parrilla-scar/

Want more Once Upon A Time? Check out the Once Upon A Time Podcast at http://www.onceuponatimepodcast.com/


Disney – OUAT costumes in DCA

Besides the new entry gate and Cars Land, other new items have magically appeared in Disney’s California Adventure.

If you make your way over to the Off the Page store (in the windows along the sidewalk) located in the Hollywood Pictures backlot section, you will see some very cool “Once Upon a Time” costumes, and a very important book.

Maleficent’s dress (and hair horns), Prince Charming leather costume, Queen Regina’s dress she work prominently in the Pilot are there.

as well as Snow White’s dress she work in the Pilot (and in “A Land Without Magic”)

and Henry’s magical Fairy Tale book.

The reflection in the window was a tough foe, but we did our best, here are some more shots.

Note: See the gold around her waist. Mr. Gold’s influence is never too far from Snow White, it seems.

For more Once Upon a Time fun, check out the Once Upon a Time Fan Podcast at http://onceuponatimepodcast.com (even during the hiatus)

OUAT – Now, where have I seen that box on Regina’s desk before?

We see this box on Mayor Regina Mills desk. You know the black and silver one:

A box fit for a Queen, one might say. An Evil Queen, right. Check out where we’ve seen it before:

That poor steed.

More blog posts to come.

For More Once Upon a Time Fun and theories, check out the Once Upon a Time Fan Podcast at http://onceuponatimepodcast.com

OUAT – Like Mother, Like Daughter

When we watched that devastating heart crushing scene in The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter, we wondered how can Regina be possible of that kind of evil. Not only was she crushing Graham’s heart, she ripped it out as well.

In this episode The Stable Boy, we see where Regina learned her tricks. She witnessed her mother rip and crush the heart of the man she loved.

Maybe after this, we can definitely say that evil is not born but imitated.

For More Once Upon a Time Info and theories, check out the Once Upon a Time Fan Podcast at http://onceuponatimepodcast.com