Tag Archives: lost

2014 Hiatus Minisode 7 – Interview with “Once Upon a Knit” writer and knitter, Genevieve Miller. Lost, Star Wars, Knitting, Ravelry, Once Upon a Time

This is an official Once Upon a Time podcast dedicated to the hit ABC TV show, Once Upon a Time

This is podcast number 206

Show notes can be found at:


Genevieve Miller


Genevieve Unraveled



Comic Con

Star Wars Celebration

Chicken Pox on Halloween/Birthday in the 5th grade

Family Oz costumes

Husband encourages her nerdiness

Son Shaun of the Dead costume


How did you first discover Once Upon a Time?

What keeps you watching?

What are you looking forward to when it returns next Sunday?


What got you interested in knitting?

What would you tell someone that wanted to start knitting? What would you do first?

What would you tell someone that started and stopped? Maybe got stuck, etc.

Vampire Knits

Once Upon a Knit


Disclosure: We were provided with a free review copy of the book. Our review is our honest thoughts of the book.

How hard was it to put together?

Love the fun quizzes

Love the pictures of how things should be set up

Who is the book for?

What was a fun discovery you made during the book writing process?

To purchase Once Upon a Knit, please use our affiliate link. We get a small percentage. Thanks for your support:


One More Thing!

Listen to our interview with the maker of Emma’s Baby Blanket here: http://www.onceuponatimepodcast.com/emmasblanket

2014 Hiatus Minisode 4 – Rumpel takes charge, Young Owen, Kurt’s new ship, Dharma on OUAT, 10 Reasons its good to be Emma


This is an unofficial podcast dedicated to the hit ABC show, Once Upon a Time

Podcast Episode 203


Rumpelstiltskin Takes On a Long Midnight
Young Owen Mendel has been spotted outside on Storybrooke
Kurt Flynn has been spotted on a ship. Not ours, but ya know.
The Dharma initiative has infiltrated Once Upon a Time
Prince Charming carries messages for Rumpelstilstkin to a identity thief
10 Reasons its good to be Emma

We are now an affiliate of the fanforum.com Once Upon a Time forum


Emma Thompson to star in Robert Carlyle Directorial Debut “The Long Midnight of Barney Thomson”


Have you ever watched something and said “Wait, I know that kid!” Well, it happened to me and it turned out to be Benjamin Stockham or young Owen Mendel as Marcus on an upcoming NBC show “About a Boy” also starring Minnie Driver as Fiona. Premiering Saturday February 22nd after the Olymipcs.

The show description is:
When quirky single mom Fiona and her son Marcus move in next door, Will’s (David Walton) perfect world is changed forever. Created for television by Parenthood’s Jason Katims.

One tidbit – One episode was directed by Jon Favreau

John Pyper-Ferguson (Kurt Flynn – Greg Mendel’s Dad) portrays Tex in TNT’s new series called “The Last Ship”. Michael Bay is Executive Producer, it also stars Rhona Mitra (The Lara Croft real life model from 1997-1998). The series is set to premiere in Summer 2014 on TNT.

Rhona Mitra as Tomb Raider's Lara Croft

Rhona Mitra as Tomb Raider’s Lara Croft

Eric Lange (who played Stuart Radzinsky on Lost) has been cast as young King Leopold.

The 1997 film “The Full Monty” starring Robert Carlyle as Gaz is now a stage production. Kenny Doughty is playing the role of Gaz for the stage version. In an interview he was asked if he had ever met Robert Carlyle, and he said, ”No, but my friend Josh Dallas stars with him in Once Upon A Time, and relays messages. Rob’s wished me good luck.”


Top 10 reasons why it’s good to be Emma.
#1. Breaking a dark curse always looks good on a resume. 
#2. Highly experienced at tree pruning. 
#3. Boba Fett wishes he had your bounty hunter skills. 
#4. Have you met my friend Tiny?
#5. Free clothes from the mayor.
#6. A poker bluff has no chance with you.
#7. Your heart is like a vending machine. People can reach in and grab it but they can’t pull it out. 
#8. Your parents can’t use the ole “when I was your age” line.
#9. No pesky sheriff training needed.
#10. “So I slayed a Dragon once” is always a good conversation starter.

Thanks again to Brad Pogras for anotherr great 10 Reasons its good to be… lists.

Tell us how are you coping with the Once Upon a Time hiatus.

Once Upon a Time “Good Form” episode and Magical Water on Neverland

In the “Good Form” episode of “Once Upon a Time” there were many connections to Star Wars, Lost and other stories.

We learn that on the magical island of Neverland, there is a deadly plant, known as Dream Shade, and if a person comes in contact with it, or its sap, they will slowly die. Hook acquired some of it to put on his Hook to try and kill Rumpel in Season 2 (You will recall that the double-sided candle was used to remove the deadly affects of the Dream Shade from Rumpel and kill Cora), but now we learn more about this plant in “Good Form”.

A side note, Pan mentions to Hook, after his brother Liam scratched himself with the plant to prove that he trusted the King’s order of their quest for this magical plant that could heal all ills. Liam began to quickly fall under the effects of the poison, and Killian remembered earlier that Pan told them that the plant they were seeking was deadly. Killian begged Pan for help to save his brother’s life and Pan told Killian, “There is a way to stop him (Liam, his brother) from dying”.

killian and liam with Pan on Neverland Once Upon a Time "Good Form"

That phrase was a shout out to the Star Wars trilogy and a point The Emperor used Anakin’s fear of the ones around him dying to lure him into the Dark Side.

” Palpatine … tells Anakin Skywalker that Plagueis was killed by his apprentice in his sleep and was obsessed with finding the key to immortality…” Source

Back to Killian and Pan. Pan revealed a spring with water that is “rich with the power of Neverland”.

Peter Pan and the Magical Water

Magical Water is found in many stories, but notably in Lost. The Protector of the Island is transferred in a religiousy, communionish ceremony in which the previous Protector fills a cup with water and hands it to the new Protector to drink.

cup ritual lost the end

Pan also mentioned that the magical water also keeps all on Neverland so young. The Fountain of Youth is another part of many stories, including Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides.

On Neverland, the Magical Water from the spring will heal and revive (in this case) those who have been infected with the Dream Shade poison, but Magic (including the spring of water) always comes with a price…

The Magical Water revives Liam on Neverland

Before we get to the Price, I wanted to mention a variation of the Magical, Healing Water and add a Cup that infuses the water in it with Healing power. In Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Father and Son Jones search for the Cup of Christ which, we are told has the power to give someone eternal life. Toward the end of the film, Papa Jones is shot, thus pushing Indy to go through the traps, find the correct cup and return with healing water to save his dying father.


Now, back to the price of Magic on Neverland. The price is that if you leave the island, you will pay the penalty. We have seen some penalties paid by using Magic on Once Upon a Time, but this situation involved Liam’s death once their Pegasus-sailed flying boat touched the water away from Neverland. Lost had sort of similar “rules” of not leaving the island, as well. Those on the “Lost” island could leave, but their lives would go to ruin and they would be lured back. This also reminded me of the discussion that Pan had with Neal when Neal declared that he got off the island (without Pan’s permission), to which Pan replied “Look where you are now”. Checkmate by Pan, the Master manipulator.

Pand and Neal on Neverland

That’s all for now. What do you think? Anything I missed? What other connections to the water do you know of?

If you love Once Upon a Time like we do, then we know you will love our podcast, Once Upon a Time Fan Podcast that can be found at: http://onceuponatimepodcast.com

3X04 Nasty Habits – First Thoughts

Neal untied the overhand knot because of what he learned from Hook.

In a strange way to show love to his son, Rumpel stole a small knife to help Bae sharpen his coal. Thus, helping Bae with his talent and at the same time flexing his “Dark One” terrifying muscles at the man that owned the knife.

Will we ever see the knife again, I wonder?

Rumpel wanted to build a palace for Bae. many have built palaces to the ones they love (The Taj Mahal and more. Check this link: http://weburbanist.com/2010/02/10/architectural-love-story-10-castles-built-for-love/), but Rumpel built it to give Bae freedom – in a palatial prison.

Rumpel used war paint. It reminded me of American Indian war paint, and more recently Johnny Depp as Tonto in The Lone Ranger.


Rumpel described Belle as a vision, but is it really Belle – or Pan?


Have there been other visions that Rumpel have seen? Will he use it to speak to others in the future?

The Lost Boys fort was drawn in sand. Classic war “breaking people out” or “Escape plan” or “Battle plan” in movies.

Hook shot Charming a look when the group was talking about Dream Shade, and wanting him to tell Snow.

The only time anyone can leave Neverland is when Pan allows it, except for Bae (and Rumpel, too?).

Lana had some great lines “Did you learn that from Bail Bondsperson School?”

Here are some screen shots of Neal’s cave on Neverland.

Stars on the ceiling


Other various wall screenshots




Cindy from our Facebook Page (http://www.facebook.com/ouatpodcast) added these incredible thoughts: “Drawn on Bae’s cave walls was P & S. These were the letters Hook carved on the Jolly Rodger when he was teaching Baelfire to sail. Port & Starboard. Also, we’re the people he drew, the Darlings? What building was that? His home…Also, I liked that Baelfire loved to draw, like his mother. He was drawing a picture when Rumple entered to give him that knife, and how that tied into his cave drawings… I thought it was interesting that when Rumple cast that sleeping curse over all the lost boys, Rumples spell didn’t effect Peter, thus the need for squid ink. Poor Henry, Pan caught him when he was VERY vulnerable, just being woken from the sleeping spell. Remember, Rumple warned Neal it’s dangerous to wake him before the spell has worn off… If, in the beginning, children only came to Peter’s Neverland in their dreams, would that make Peter The Dream Catcher? Reminding me of ( I think, Tallahassee?) Neal once gave Emma a map so they could find a “home”. Now, Neal seems to have given her a new map leading to “home”. But where might that map lead? Enchanted Forest? Storybrook? Wendy? Tallahassee? New York? Tink took a watch from Tamara’s body. Why a watch? Was it Neal’s watch? It didn’t look like a woman’s watch. Maybe it was my imagination, but I saw lots of little tidbits from Neal and Emma’s past together in this episode.”

Here is the scrawling of P and S from “And Straight On ‘Til Morning” that we forgot to mention as a connection.






Pan gave Hook a portal. Is Pan growing beans on the Neverland island?

Colleen noticed a lot of similarities with this episode and the book, Lord of the Flies.

Neal left Neverland without Pan’s permission – how? We know he knew a sneaky way to get to Neverland. I am very interested to see how he got away from Neverland.

Rumpel said that he would sacrifice his life to save Henry, but does he mean it?

Rumpel said “Magic led him to the hamlet (Shown in the episode),” so I would guess that his “magic tracking spell” works similarly to Tink’s Pixie dust trail that led her to Regina’s true love in the tavern.

The Pied Piper is introduced. He used a pan flute to lure children to follow it.

Neal showed that not only can a person use a (Conch) shell hear the ocean, but when sounded, the ocean can hear the shell “call”. Brilliant idea! Neal uses it call a squid (a la 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea).


Disney film

As the squid came ashore, Neal asked Rumpel to extract some squid ink that could, according to Neal it has the power to immobilize the most magical creatures.

Hook/Charming exchange. Charming seems to accept the fate of his death and urges Hook (as a final wish) to just save Henry.

Flint and a Hook can light a torch. Hook can be on Survivor!

@ktodd1116 on Twitter reminded us that “Did you know the show Survivor was based on #LordoftheFlies?” Amazing! I had forgotten that. Thanks for letting us know! 🙂

Listening to #f


The shot of Rumpel on the roof reminded me of many movies. That’s all I got for that.

To Catch a Thief shot that Colleen mentioned.


Pan Flute. Peter Pan played the Pan Flute to be the Pied Piper. That’s a lot of P’s.

If Pan give Hook a portal, pan must have used them a lot to gather children to go and dance in the forest. Pan also mentioned that he would take some of the children to Neverland.

Pan also mentioned “visit in dreams”. Is it in the fire room, and is it anyone who is sleeping? Cue the creepy similarity to Nightmare on Elm Street.

Certain boys can hear the flute, as only certain people could hear the cries on the island. Only the “Unloved, Unwanted…” could hear.

Henry initially said he was not like Pan or the Lost Boys (Turns out Rumpel gave Pan the idea to call them that. Rumpel is involved with everything!).

Pan’s pipe is enchanted. Who enchanted it and how?

When Henry didn’t hear the pipe at first, I thought that Pan didn’t blow into the pipe.

Another funny Lana line about the Lost Boys using the colander to make Pasta, or should they be happy that Neal made a nightlight. Classic Regina stuff tonight.

Guessing games.

Pan is magical. Who was he and how did he become magical?

Neal not coating the tip of the arrow was one of the brilliant twists tonight.

Self Preservation is a nasty habit. On the flip side, sacrifice is a noble thing.

Pan wasn’t always immortal. Is there any Dark One knife? How did Pan become immortal?

Rumpel mentioned seeing people’s “true nature”. It reminds me of “denying who you really are” scenes.

Neal was worried that if Rumpel did the right thing today, what about tomorrow. Rumpel seemed like he wanted to change, but Neal didn’t trust him.

Rumpel wanted his ‘Redemption’. “Have faith and believe in me”

Neal used the old “Squid ink on the back of a leaf” trick to freeze Rumple.

Emma never stopped loving Neal.

“Never break into a place unless you know how to get out”

It was an interesting exchange between Neal and Pan about Neal winning by leaving the island and Pan asking, “but where are you now?”.

Pan now reset the board and a new game began.

Belle believes in Rumpel, but is it really Belle?

Pan tells Henry “We can be your family,” like Hook did.

Henry could hear the music, but is it a ruse to “play” along and trick Pan to get off the island?

We send #BigLove to you all

Please Tweet out “I am listening to @ouatpodcast #FirstThoughts #OUAT #NastyHabits” when you listen to the podcast. Thanks

We would love to hear; your thoughts, what you noticed, etc.

OUAT – Emilie de Ravin Signed As Series Regular for Season 2

Emilie De Ravin (Belle) will  be returning as a series regular for season 2 of Once Upon A Time.

As Once scribe Jane Espenson recently explained to us, “We cast [Emilie] thinking that she’d be great for this but that it would probably be a one-shot — but if she didn’t get a pilot and she had a good time and she’s available, we knew that of course she’d be welcome back!”

Read more of the article Here.

Do you want more ‘Rumpbelle’ in season 2?.

The question is Dearies, did Rumpelstiltskin choose his magic over Belle again in the season finale?.

Want more Once Upon A Time? Check out the Once Upon A Time Fan Podcast at http://www.onceuponatimepodcast.com/