Tag Archives: Archie Hopper

OUAT Themes and Meanings – 6. Always Stand Up For Yourself


Never be afraid to fight for yourself, for others, and for what you believe in. In “Lost Girl”, we saw Snow White found the strength to defend her kingdom, and herself. In “That Still Small Voice” Archie stands up to Regina even after she had threatened him. We must never let others intimidate us, and it’s always important for us to do what we think is right.

Submitted by Marissa

OUAT – Raphael Sbarge talks Archie and Season 2

Raphael Sbarge who plays Archie in Storybrooke and Jiminy Cricket in FTL, gives us his thoughts on season 2 and what he would like to see happen with his characters.

‘Once Upon A Time’ Season 2 Spoilers: Raphael Sbarge Talks Archie

Once Upon A Time fans have a long summer ahead of them while they wait for the return of the series. Everything will change in the second season with magic unleashed in the real world. Now one cast member is talking about what he wants to see when the series returns. Raphael Sbarge plays the conscience of the series. He tries to help the problems of those in the town.

Read more here – http://entertainment.gather.com/viewArticle.action?articleId=281474981382855

Want more Once Upon A Time? Check out the Once Upon A Time Fan Podcast at http://www.onceuponatimepodcast.com/

Raphael Sbarge

Role(s) in OUAT: Jiminy Cricket/Dr. Archie Hopper
IMDB Listing: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0768620/
Birthday (per IMDB): February 12th
Twitter: http://twitter.com/raphaelsbarge

NOTE: This Tweet chat was compiled by AWESOME Listener http://twitter.com/_obisgirl (You rock, sister!). Please check out her Tumblr about SyFy’s Alphas (A better version of Heroes): http://alphas-media.tumblr.com/. Please support our OUAT Fan Podcast Listeners. Thanks.

The following transcript is from @RaphaelSbarge’s live twitter chat from November 27th, 2011 episode of “Once Upon a Time,” Season 1, Episode 5: That Still Small Voice

very excited about the show!

ten minutes and counting. I am watching it along with every one! ha!

Sure, me and 14 million of my closest, personal friends. Kind of gotten used to it.

the glasses Archie wears are from a close friends. she bought them 25 years ago, when we first were friends. and: She’s a therapist!

the green scarf archie wears is actually my daughters. she is 9. I wear it to say hi to her.

I really thought the little boy they cast looked like me!

I will! RT @vatrask @ please tell me you’ll also live tweet the West Coast.

so: the amazing Harry Groener plays my father. I have known him for over 25 years. was so excited when I found out he was cast!

I am so crazy about Jared Gilmore– he is such a wonderful actor, and such a great kid.

Paul Edwards directed this episode. He directed many episodes of Lost. Masterful with the camera. really knows how to tell a story.

what is that that she found!!! keep an eye out!

I didn’t realize I was in Operation Cobra. join the revolution!

thanks, all for following! this is exciting!

Harry was on Broadway and won the Tony for Crazy for You

shooting that scene in the rain was a trip!

that is my other dear friend Tony Amendola. another amazing actor!

Henry! you do not want to go down there!!

“This non-sense must end!! ” Oh, no…

poor henry…

getting mad a Henry scene one of the tougher scenes to film. fo’ sho’

are there two more beautiful woman on television? really. the Jennifers! wowie.

are there two more beautiful woman on television? really. the Jennifers!

Henry! don’t go down there!

we call them Ginny and Jennifer. just to tell them apart… Ha!

Remember: let your conscience be your guide…

I LOVE the production design. the black and white in mayor’s office is awesome

ok: Robert is an ASTONISHING actor. makes it look so easy. I really admire him enormously. and a good man, to boot!

I would be happy to live tweet more often! this is fun

ha! so the dalmations name: and I am not making this up: is CINDER! is that wild or what?

he happens to be the aguility champion of Canada. He is one STRONG doggie! knocks me over on regular basis

thanks for all the enouragement everyone. 🙂

the make up department works over time on Robert. all the departments say regularly, “wow! this is a BIG show.” long hours.

the amazing thing is that everyone is so proud of what we are doing. the quaility is there. you can see it on the screen.

I don’t know the story about Pongo! Now I need to find out! ha!

we had so much fun as actors filming the family scenes! they are such wonderful actors.

made by elves from Elves…. def my fav line in the show!

I love the way this cabin looked! the production team ROCKED IT

We need to figure out Pongo! anyone else know about 101 Dalmations?

Jiminy’s glasses are antiques. over 100 years old…. seemed perfect when they found them

do you remember those dolls in the last episode?? they put them in Mr. Golds’ shop!

Again: this tunnel was so cool looking! kudos to the set dept!

those dolls were freaky. truly scary to look at.

pongo mystery solved!

they put lots of little clues in each episode if you watch really closely!

yes! baked and shrunken heads! I know!

I jumped when I saw them too!

we film it on location in Storybrooke!

ha! just kidding. we film in Vancouver

remember when Ashly was breaking into Mr. Golds? that is when they appeared

I know. Hopper. made me laugh when I first hear it too.

I know 101, but didn’t put together the reference. yeah twiiter nation!

if you DONT love jen morrison, you don’t have a heart beat!

DOC Hopper! ha!

yea– apple head dolls! that’s what they look like

of course Ginny will take your breath away any day of the week, as well!

vancouver has the incredible vista’s and green that we need for both worlds, I think.

we are all under the spell of the Jennifers!

all episodes are avail on line, if you missed them!

didn’t we tell him NOT to go down there!!

Kaiden Alenko from Vancouver. weird coincidence, any ME3 fans!

Henry!!! we love you….:)

the fire engine is a vintage one. came from the local fire dept. with its own fireman!

I have a friend who now believes that OUAT is proof that there is reincarnation! the other lives we don’t know about. what do you think?

HI Cinder! see you soon!!

I truly loved doing all my scenes with Jared ( aka Henry). he is a great hugger, too. get my kid fix, when I am away from my kids!

what’s YOUR alter ego on the other side? answering that could be very interesting!

not awkward doing romance scenes in ME3. more on that another time

this can’t be all there is….

uh oh

what’s that?


see, it is his lucky umbrella~!

he’s alive…

that was shot at 4am. long night. tight harness…. whew

you will do as I say….

… because I will always do my best.

Jiminy, kickin’ some Evil Queen butt!

loved, loved when I first read that scene

so clever, in the writing dept.

ok. hang on to your hats….!

when you wish upon a star…

there was a star right in the sky the night we shot it. right where it was supposed to be. Like it was placed

Lana Parillo is JUST AMAZING as the queen. I love her.

do you speak cricket?

kinda like Klingon. with more of a lilt.

takes 9 days to film
27 Nov Favorite Retwe

… crickets…..

they are back!!

things ARE changin’

oh. boy.

when I first read this episode, it made me weep. Is that ok to say? well… it’s true. such a great story they told. such a great story

now you know the TRUE story of Jiminy. brought to you by ABC

I am very grateful for this amazing show.

so proud to be in such great company.

yes! special thanks to Jane Espenson!!

had to get a quick bite to eat. whew. that was exciting!

I will be back in a couple of hours. with more stories to tell. back on line for west coast feed.

thanks to everyone for joining us on the East coast!

flying back to Vancouver for next episode tomorrow.

hi! getting ready to see the west coast feed! very excited to watch it with my kids!

I was amazed at how many folks were so upset with archie about giving Henry’s file away. indeed! It was the troubling we get some insight

oops: it was indeed troubling. Tonight we get some insight!

Hey! been asked to remind anyone who say it on the east coast not to give any spoilers

Jared Gilmore: Hi! miss you. see you soon!

Jared Gilmore and his sweet twin sister, Taylor says Hi to all in Twitter Nation!

I have had so many people say how upset they were that we were not on last week!

so many folks said they went into withdrawal… Ha!

we’re back!!!!

what is the family business?

soon you will know, too

the boy they cast really does look like a young “me”. great casting!

I love crickets!

Caroline Hennesy and Harry Groener! Incredible actors.

Harry was an old friend– I’ve known him for 25 years.

why is this real??

the glasses were a gift from a dear friend. she bought them years ago. guess what? she’s a therapist!

glasses technically are “vintage” ha

so the name, the actual name of the doggie, archie’s doggie, is… Im not making this up, CINDER!


the fire truck is vintage too. it has been restored by the local fire dept.

came with its own fire men too!

what would you have me do….?

we shoot all around vancouver. such a beautiful city. would love to come to seattle too

we are currently filming ep 13. more to come!

do we have to steal too?

I loved my scenes with my parents!

ok, yes. that’s real water. thousands of gallons of it all at once…

I caught a cold after we shot the scene…

Jiminy not used to people being kind to him

that is tony amendola– another wonderful actor. and old friend. actual old friend

a friend of mine believes taht OUAT is proof that reincarnation exists. is in other realities we don’t remember.

are you in or out? Operation Cobra needs YOU!

We are picked up for a full season!

we need new T-shirts! fo’ sho’!

oh no!! Henry. DONT GO DOWN THERE!!!

Operation Cobra tee-shirts. If you have to ask, then you’re not a member!

so more about Cinder/ aka Pongo: he is the agility champion of Canada! could pull a trailer down the street!

Aaliyah: Hi!!!

OK: Robert. the most wonderful man. and the personification of creepy in this role! love him!

careful what you promise, JIminy!


that cave looked super real. great production design!!


uh, oh….

yes. cinder as in cinderella!

Henry! come back!!

He is Pongo in the show. I understand that that is a reference to 101 dalmations. but is there a OUAT writer out there who can confirm?

a commitment to excellence!

pardon me…. honest man and not so honest parents…. i mean to say…

my fvorite line: elf tonic!

OUAT: Once Upon a Time!

Paul Edwards, who directed a lot of Lost Episodes, directed this. He did such a great job!

how do you grind up a good elf?? uggg

what’s behind the door???

those dolls are so creepy??

what did you do to them????


there is no way out…..!

OK!! So clue.. remember last episode? there were two dolls in the pawn shop!

go back and you will see– they put them in the shop!

uh, oh.

so the dolls: sometime you have to imagine creepy things to make a moment work. those dolls were just plain scary!

winter season is upon us: got your ELF TONIC??

what is the phobia about clowns? what’s that called?

this is doll phobia… ha!

Ok. are there more beautiful faces anywhere on TV. don’t think so….

keep a close eye out for all the little clues. they are there when you least expect it?

Pongo knows!!

I’m not the man i wanna be…

JIminy cricket was a CRICKET!


Lana Parillo is fnatastic! such a great evil queen!

why is it so important that your fairy tale theory is true?

I remember the kind of person I wanna be..

ya see. it is a lucky umbrella!

told ya it was lucky!!

I loved that moment in the script. Jane : well done!!

becase I will always do my best….

I wish….

when you wish upon a star…..

what would YOU like to be????

do you speak cricket??

find the boy, Jiminy. you have a mission. His name… Gepetto…..

the visual effect ROCKED!!!

OK . the crickets…. they are back!!

things are changing!

wait!! what is that glass.!!!! CLUE!!!!!

So, when I first got the script, sat down, took a deep breath, it made me weep. such a great story….

Hi! I hit my daily limit last night, so I had to stop tweeting. Thank you so much for joining me!

OUAT – Was the Mine Shaft a shout out to the Hatch in Lost? You decide.

In Once Upon a Time episode 5, “That Still Small Voice,” are there similarities between the elevator shaft and the Swan hatch? Let’s see;
The opening was under leaves and dirt and had to be brushed away to be exposed.

Explosives were used.

Someone was lowered down into the shaft (Kate in Lost, and Emma in OUAT).

Thanks for reading this post. Want more Once Upon a Time information? We invite you to check out The Once Upon a Time Fan Podcast at: http://onceuponatimepodcast.com. See you there!

OUAT S1E5 – Easter Eggs in “That Still Small Voice”

Here we bring out Easter Eggs, connections to other TV shows, movies and lines and concepts that may come into play in a later episode.

If you have anything you would like to add to our podcast, please leave a Voicemail at: 657-333-0626. Thanks.


L: Lost connections.
NL: Non-Lost connections (Star Wars, Classic Movie motifs, Fairy Tales, and Once Upon a Time call backs).

NL: Jiminy’s Mom (as the puppet), “I wish, but nothing changes” “I wish I was better at wishing”.
** Wishing (Empty wishes (perhaps like Aladdin, “I want a million dollars” or more meaningful wishes) and Wishing to Change (I wish to change myself or help someone else)
NL: Jiminy said Crickets can do whatever they want, and are free to hop from place to place. *Like the viewers hop from the Fairy Tale land to the real world, or how Mr. Gold/Rumpelstiltskin does?
NL: Jiminy’s parents tell him he is free to do what they want, and to be who you are. You are who you are. Jiminy says he doesn’t want to steal. He wants to be good.
NL: Good is another word for weak. We already know that all evil curses can be broken, and are beginning to see that the Evil curse is weakening by good people making the choice to face responsibility and step into their destiny (and not run from it).
NL: His parents tell him to let them do the thinking for Jiminy. Jiminy’s parents control his actions, as well as Regina control Archie’s actions – for now.
NL: Archie Hopper asks, “Why do you believe that I am Jiminy Cricket?” Henry matter of factly replies, “because it’s who you are – you’re a conscience”. Henry sees who Archie is on the inside which makes him that, but Archie can’t see that. The subject of the heart or (hidden or shown) intentions of a person making them who they are is a focus of this episode. Again, we see that Henry speaks to the core of a person again (Emma is brave, Regina is Evil, and Archie is a conscience).
NL: Archie tells Henry to “keep thinking about why he believes the curse is real, because something is buried there”. Alluding to the sinkhole.
NL: Emma challenges the outer trappings of a deputy outfit. Does the outer appearance translate to who you are? Clothes and a tie are just clothes, but the badge has the power.
NL: Actions toward destiny and responsibility cause actions in the Real World, as the Evil Curse begins to be broken (Not all at once, but slowly, as more pieces of the “army” to destroy the Evil queen’s plan and the curse come together);

Emma staying in Storybrooke – caused the clock to begin to work again. Pushing the countdown to the final battle.
Emma’s deal (a future favor for Mr. Gold) – brought Sean to Ashley
Emma accepting the deputy badge (and, according to Sheriff Graham, “Become a part of the community. You have to make it official.”) – the sinkhole began
Archie standing up to Regina, and thus being who he really is – brings back the crickets. Note: Henry says, “There’s never been crickets here, you’ve just never noticed. We do hear an owl in the background. What else is missing?

Question: Does MMB’s action of resigning undo an action toward the final battle?

We can assume the sinkhole exposed the mineshaft opening, right?
Every decision and/or step toward everyone destiny seems to be causing Storybrooke Maine to erode/fall away/peel back to expose the “Real World” to the Fairy Tale World creatures, the fairy tale world.
Note: The portion here has been moved to a separate blog post here: http://new.roneyzone.com/blogs/once-upon-a-time-tv-show-blogs/ouat-was-the-mine-shaft-a-shout-out-to-the-hatch-in-lost-you-decide/

NL: Besides Henry, we see other children at the school, around the sinkhole, etc, but not interacting with Henry.
Question: What year was Storybrooke frozen in?

Archie tells Regina, “I think its wrong to “rip away” the world he’s constructed.” Is Storybrooke only in Henry’s imagination? Each Fairy Tale person that remembers who they are and take their place in destiny is ripping away at “the world” of Storybrooke.
NL: The little boy talking to an older Jiminy was his Jiminy, “If you don’t like your job, why don’t you do something else?” Then he gives him an umbrella.
L: Apollo Candy bar.
NL: Archie tells Henry, “This has to stop for your own good. You have to wake up.” When it’s actually Archie that needs to wake up from the sleep in Storybrooke.
NL: David Nolan mentioned “a horse” during hangman with Mary Margaret. Alluding to Fairy Tale land and their meeting when she stole the horse.
L: Nolan’s dog’s name, Ajax. A Jacks.
NL: Emma warns MMB from getting involved with a married guy. Are we to assume that a married man was Henry’s father, or was it a mistake along the way?
NL: MMB made S’mores. That may come up later.
NL: Emma asked Archie, “What could be strong enough to drown out your own conscience?” The Evil Curse, and working for Regina.
NL: Rumpelstiltskin wanted the names of the people Archie stole the money from for the gold thread. Does Archie work for Rumpelstiltskin.
NL: The floor where Rumpelstiltskin has a spiderweb design.
Question: When Henry was in the mineshaft, another earthquake occurred. What caused it? Maybe as Archie got near the opening of the mineshaft, he began to believe what Henry had said about him, and as he entered the mineshaft, more of the Fairy Tale land was exposed?
Question: How did a piece of Snow White’s coffin get out on the ground beyond the sinkhole for Regina to find it?
NL: David Nolan said, “It’s like I woke up in some strange land”
NL: Archie asks Henry (a number of times), “Why do you think it’s so important that your Fairy Tale theory is true?” Henry says, “Because this can’t be all there is”. Life without passion or purpose is like living in Storybrooke. There must be more.
NL: Henry mentioned that he didn’t find any proof in the mineshaft (Is he hiding the fact that he found the piece of Snow White’s coffin?), but Archie mentioned that he was lost (in the mine), and Henry found him and helped Archie remember the man he wanted to be. He just had to listen harder to the still small voice (his conscience).
NL: Emma (the Savior) saved Archie and Henry. Archie hooked his umbrella on Emma harness as the elevator fell down.
NL: Archie wishes on a star.
NL: Regina drops the piece of Snow White’s coffin down the airshaft, and it falls onto Snow White’s glass coffin in Fairy Tale land.

Please check out The Once Upon a Time Fan Podcast at: http://onceuponatimepodcast.com where we will discuss these items and more!