015 OUAT Fan Podcast – Skin Deep

Welcome to the 15th regular episode of the Once Upon a Time Fan Podcast. This is a podcast dedicated to the hit ABC TV show, Once Upon a Time.


The podcast is hosted by Jeff and Colleen Roney, a married couple from Orange County, CA.

In this podcast episode;
We catch up with you all,
We discuss how I was wrong about Gaston,
We play awesome voicemails,
We remind you (If you haven’t already) to fill out our survey at: http://survey.onceuponatimepodcast.com.

Please drop by http://survey.onceuponatimepodcast.com and take our listener survey. Thank you.

Big love to all of you who listen, share with friends and support what we do. 🙂

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Our podcast is now on Itunes (http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/once-upon-a-time-podcast/id480653028).

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There are a number of ways to get ahold of us and stay connected;
Blog: http://blog.onceuponatimepodcast.com
Facebook Fan Page: http://facebook.com/ouatpodcast
Website: http://onceuponatimepodcast.com
Voicemail line: 657-333-0626
Our NEW Email: feedback@onceuponatimepodcast.com
Twitter: @ouatpodcast

Thanks for listening. Jeff and Colleen.

5 thoughts on “015 OUAT Fan Podcast – Skin Deep

  1. Pingback: Storybrooke’s Drinking Age: What is it? Is there one? | Once Upon a Time Fan Podcast

  2. Manny

    Hey Guys!

    Another great podcast!…… On the subject of Natasha and “Skype”….. I have no idea how skype works so I’m just going to throw this out there….and I don’t even know if Canada has this either?….. BUT!,….What about “MagicJack” . I understand international calls through one of these is pennies to the dollar!… I know you’ve all seen the “MagicJack” infomercials by now, right??…Google it!.

  3. Jonathan Morgan

    I would like to think/assume/imagine… that Belle being banished to a tower is a “sleeping Beauty connection, and that Rumplstiltskin’s spindle is involved somhow since a spindle is involved in Sleeping Beauty’s curse…further more playing on the what I would to see.. is Rumpleskiltskin taking the place of the “prince” in sleeping beauty and going to rescue belle, fighting Maleficent or Regina in some form….switching over to storybrooke… Mr. Gold taking “Belle” from the asylum… but I know as much as I like this idea the people over at OUAT are going to do everything so differently and magnificent. 😉

  4. Jonathan Morgan

    My personal thought/opinion/wishes/ imagination is that Belle being banished to the castle is a sleeping beauty connection…and that I would love to see rumplestiltskin, take the place of the prince and try to rescue her from Maleficent or the evil queen in some way… it’s plus with the spindle connection ” mr. gold spins..and a spindle puts sleeping beauty under a curse” Just a thought I know OUAT will do somthing excitingly different and suprize all of us!


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